Mentoring Program

In 2021, the mentoring program commenced as a way of using the expertise of credible mentors to enhance the professional and personal growth of Young Australian Leaders.

The goals of our mentoring program include

- Establishing expectations between mentees and mentors

- Maintaining open communication between parties

- Creating an expanded network with YAL members, and

- Setting SMART goals between the mentors and mentees.

Under the program there is no formal structure as it is up to the individual mentoring partnership to determine how frequently and in what way they will meet. Coordinators, Talja Coleman and James McAlpine, have been critical to ensuring the success of the program by obtaining profiles from both parties to ensure suitable matches.

Members of Young Australian Leaders who would like more information or are willing to participate in the program should contact the coordinators. Those who would like to offer their services as mentors should also provide their details to the coordinators so that appropriate matches can be made.

Thus far, several mentoring arrangements have been made, and the mentors have participated in an online training program to ensure that consistent and ethical practices are used.

It is hoped that the mentoring program will continue to grow and that the skills and experiences of members of the Order of Australia Association and other suitable people will enable young leaders to extend their personal and professional growth.

If you would like to become involved in this program please contact us!


Personal and Professional Development

In addition to our Mentoring Program, Young Australian Leaders also seek to provide educational and experiential opportunities to assist them in continuing their community service and furthering their career development.

Currently, this includes arranging seminars and webinars on topics such as Leadership, Governance, Mental Health and Wellbeing and Networking, among others. If you would like to become involved in these as a speaker please contact us! Additionally, we also provide speaking opportunities at events, such as the upcoming Order of Australia Association (NSW branch) AGM on 22 March.

Ultimately, this seeks to further contribute to achieving our objective of intergenerational community leadership and developing a vibrant network of impactive leaders, both now, and for the future.